Scientific program
The scientific program of ICVL is structured around 3 notions:
- Scientific axes - large research topics covering the expertise and interests of the two labs' members. They serve both as external communication means, and as an interal structuring tool. Most axes are transverse (inter-lab) but some gather members of only on lab or one team of the same lab. The aim is that each LIFO/LIFAT member can identify with at least one axis.
- Actions - mid- and long-term transverse (inter-lab) collaboration topics
- Initiatives - singular events (workshops, co-supervision, etc.) aimed at implementing an action, funded by the ICVL budget
Other collaboration forms include:
- funded joint projects
- co-authored publications
- co-supervision of PhD theses
Scientific axes
For more details on the contents and people related to each axis, see pages 16-34 of the scientific program.
- Axis A: Voluminous, complex and heterogeneous data (47 members from 4 teams))
- A1: Knowledge extraction and pattern recognition
- A2: Web data
- A3: Natural language processing
- A4: Image analysis and processing
- Axis B: Algorithmics and optimization
- B1: Graph algorithmics and exponential complexity (18 members from 3 teams)
- B2: Scheduling and transport
- Axis C: Security, reliability and efficiency (27 members from 4 teams)
- C1: Security of operating systems
- C2: Correct programs and system verification
- C3: Parallelism and distributed systems
Ethics committee
- Minutes of the first meeting of the committee (document in French)