The ICVL yearly budget funds joint LIFO/LIFAT initiatives, co-supervisions and events. The decisions about budget expenditure are taken by the Management Committee, which gathers 2-4 times a year.
Ongoing calls
Call for scientific events
- Open call, deadline: 15 September 2021 -
Please fill and send this file to the ICVL directors.
- Notification: October 2021
- Conditions: a scientific event organised locally by ICVL members; the ICVL logo should appear at the event's website.
Past calls
- Joint call for co-supervised internships funded by DIAMS, CaSciModOT and ICVL
- Call for co-supervised internships
- Call: 13 September 2019
- Proposal submission deadline: 15 October 2019
- Notification: 12 November 2019
- Conditions: a Master (or exceptionally Bachelor) student internship, co-supervised by at least one member from each lab
- Submission format:
- Names of supervisers, affiliations and research teams
- Title
- Short description of the research questions
- Expected outcome (software, paper, resource, etc.)
- ICVL axes concerned
- Starting date and duration
- Student's profile (Master or Bachelor)
- Preliminary budget
- Conditions: The funding can apply to no more than one student and cannot be shared with another institution (e.g. 50% ICVL and 50% lab). Priority is given to: (i) master internships with a possible follow-ups via PhD grants, (ii) proposals concerning new inter-lab collaborations. The proposal slection process will possibly be coordinated with similar calls by RTR DIAMS and CASCIMODOT.
- Call for scientific events
- Open call, first deadline: 23 October 2019
- Notification: 12 November 2019
- Conditions: a scientific event organised locally by ICVL members in 2020; events organised jointly by the LIFO and the LIFAT are favored; the ICVL logo should appear at the event's website
- Submission format:
- Venue
- Location and date
- Estimated number of participants
- Scope (international, national, regional, ...)
- Website (if any)
- Aspects of LIFO-LIFAT co-organisation
- Call for co-supervised internships
- Proposal submission deadline:
8 October 2018, extended to 22 October - Notification: 26 October 2018
- Conditions: a Master (or exceptionally Bachelor) student internship, co-supervised by at least one member from each lab
- Submission format:
- Names of supervisers, affiliations and research teams
- Title
- Short description of the research questions
- Expected outcome (software, paper, resource, etc.)
- ICVL axes concerned
- Starting date and duration
- Student's profile (Master or Bachelor)
- Preliminary budget
- Proposal submission deadline:
- Call for scientific events
- Open call, first deadline: 23 October 2018
- Notification: 26 October 2018
- Conditions: a scientific event organised locally by ICVL members in 2019; events organised jointly by the LIFO and the LIFAT are favored; the ICVL logo should appear at the event's website
- Submission format:
- Venue
- Location and date
- Estimated number of participants
- Scope (international, national, regional, ...)
- Aspects of LIFO-LIFAT co-organisation
- Call for sub-projects to be included in the future RTR network proposal: La fédération Informatique Centre Val de Loire (ICVL) et l'Institut Denis Poisson (IDP) sont en train de monter une proposition d'un RTR (réseau thématique régional) en réponse à l'appel de la Région paru récemment. Nous prévoyons un périmètre relativement large (provisoirement nommé "numérique et données"), incluant des collègues de ICVL et IDP, mais aussi d'autres laboratoires ou structures (certains RTR existants, CaSciModOT, etc.).
- les chercheurs des structures intéressées proposeront des sous-projets interdisciplinaires,
- les sous-projets sélectionnés seront inclus dans le futur RTR,
- les porteurs des sous-projets sélectionnés rentreront dans le comité de pilotage du RTR.
- Conditions pour les sous-projets:
- durée de 1 à 4 ans
- porteur dans LIFO, LIFAT, l'Institut Denis Poisson ou une autre structure de recherche dans les domaines "numérique et données"
- thématique inter-disciplinaire
- au moins deux établissements de la Région inclus dans le sous-projet
- Actions dont les frais peuvent être couvert par un budget RTR:
- colloques, journées thématiques, ateliers, forums, appels à projets internes, workshops
- animation, secrétariat, communication, stages de master
- missions (en France et à l’international)
- communication, information
- montage de projets (y compris par des cabinets conseils)
- fonds documentaires Des salaires (post-doc, thèses,...) ne sont pas inclus. Voir l'appel RTR pour plus de détails.
- Calendrier:
- 23 mai 2018: publication de l'appel RTR par la Région
2025 juin: date limite (étendue) de soumission de sous-projets- fin juin-début juillet: sélection de sous-projets et réunion du groupe de pilotage
- 3 septembre: soumission d'une lettre d'intention présentant le RTR à la Région
- Formulaire web pour la soumission de sous-projets. Nous suggérons des soumissions succinctes, mais informatives. A partir de ces soumissions, le groupe de pilotage devrait pouvoir construire non seulement la lettre d'intention (pour le 3 septembre), mais aussi le projet complet du RTR pour octobre (en cas de passage de la 1e étape).
- Appel RTR de la Région:
- Call for co-supervised internships
- Proposal submission deadline: 1 December 2017 (extended to 9 December)
- Notification: 15 December 2017
- Conditions: a Master (or exceptionally Bachelor) student internship, co-supervised by at least one member from each lab
- Submission format:
- Names of supervisers, affiliations and research teams
- Title
- Short description of the research questions
- Expected outcome (software, paper, resource, etc.)
- ICVL axes concerned
- Starting date and duration
- Student's profile (Master or Bachelor)
- Preliminary budget
- Call for invitation of foreign PhD jury members
- Open call, first deadline: 6 November 2017
- Notification: 13 November 2017
- Budget request: up to 350 EUR
- Conditions: a foreign researcher participating in a PhD jury at LIFO or LIFAT in 2017 or 2018; duration of stay: at least 1 week (5 working days); invited colloquium for LIFO and LIFAT members
- Call for scientific events
- Open call, first deadline: 6 November 2017
- Notification: 13 November 2017
- Conditions: a scientific event organised locally by ICVL members in 2018; international scope events and events organised jointly by the LIFO and the LIFAT are favored; the ICVL logo should appear at the event's website
- Call for thematic workshops
- Open call, first deadline: 6 November 2017
- Notification: 13 November 2017
- Conditions: organisating locally a joint LIFO/LIFAT workshop in 2018
- Submission format:
- Title, date and place of the workshop
- Organisers (at least one from each lab)
- Rationale (notably, the interest for ICVL)
- Tentative schedule, invited speakers
- Preliminary budget
La construction de ce RTR sera menée de manière bottom-up: