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Human-Machine Interaction and mobility

 icone Presentation

My researches on alternative and augmentative communication for disabled people are devided along two dimensions  : Disabled people ask more and more for light mobile devices that should replace their laptop on their wheelchair. This is why my works on Man-Machine Interaction concern above all mobile devices and more generally ubiquitous computing.


I am currently working on the new uses of picophones. Picophones are smartphones which involve a pico-projector (a LED-based video projector with a very reduce size). More precisely,  I investigate the possibilities of gestual command with a picophone involving a 3D accelerometer. The difficulty here is to combine the opposite needs of the gestual command and the expected stability of the projection. For the moment being, we have achieved a complete gesture command which enables the user to interact with its smartphone with one unique hand. The use of this device with a picoprojector appears unfortunatedly to be restricted by the limited brightness of current projectors.

 This done is done in collaboration with Franck Poirier new window (LabSTICC - European University of Brittany) .

icone Interactive systems for maritime trafic monitoring

In the framework of the ITEA RECONSURVE nouvelle fenêtre project, I am currently supervising the PhD of Benoit Rouxel which investigates the achievement of user-centered systems for the interactive control of maritime trafic.

 icone Works and projects

  •  PicoPhone (2009-2010) and THM (2011-2012) projects founded by the IT society Bamsoo new window 
  • PhD of Benoit ROUXEL (in progress)  founded by the ITEA RECONSURVE nouvelle fenêtre project (other PhD supervisors : Franck Poirier new window and Gilles Coppin new window).

 icone Some publications

  • Benoit ROUXEL, Franck POIRIER, Jean-Yves ANTOINE, Gilles COPPIN (2014) What you draw is what you search: the analog gesture, Proc. 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2014, Heraklion , Grèce, (to appear).
  • Willy ALLEGRE, Pascal BERRUET, Thomas BURGER, Jean-Yves ANTOINE (2012) A Non-Intrusive Monitoring System for Ambient Assisted Living Service Delivery, Proc. 10th International Conference on Smart Homes and Telematics ICOST'2012, Firenze, Italie., pp. 148-156[HAL-00788163] introduction article ACM TASSESTS.

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Jean-Yves ANTOINE - Last update : decembre 8th, 2013