The word of the Director

I am happy, students, students, parents, and IT professionals, de vous accueillir sur le site web du Département Informatique de la faculté des Sciences et Techniques de l’Université de Tours.

Ce département est localisé sur le site Jean Jaurès à Blois, mais aussi à Tours (Site Grandmont). Il propose deux licences (une licence général en informatique et une licence professionnelle QSSI) and 2 Masters in Computer Science (les masters BDMA et CCI).

The IT Department has a dynamic team of teachers and students listening. Each promotion is on a human scale (au plus une trentaine d’étudiants par groupes). These two criteria allow us to offer a personality monitoring of students and achieve very good success rate. Qui plus est, les lycéens issus de formation non scientifique (BAC S) are not so far forgotten. First-year license, un parcours d’aide à la réussite leur permet de rattraper une partie de leur retard en mathématique et d’être soutenus en informatique. This route however requires strong motivation and advise students interested to contact us to discuss their study project.

Our department is looking to the international and the world of business. En particulier, license good students have the opportunity to integrate the European course ECS (European Computer Science) which allows students to complete their course in a European university recognized and get doing a double degree in computer (Bachelor of Science).

L’ouverture vers le monde de l’entreprise est également important et commence dès la première année de licence (module de pré-professionnalisation) and then continues crescendo. So, by the third year of license, many courses are taught by IT professionals (over + 30% in master and professional license) and Internship 2 at 4 month license and 6 Master in months must complete our curriculum. Our master students and are engineering positions from obtaining their master, more than 80% CDI and many in the Centre Region.

For students wishing to acquire professional competence in the context of a short degree courses (ferry +3), we offer our IUT colleagues a professional license QSSI (Quality & information system security) that provides opportunity again very strong with a level of qualification of assistant engineers.

Pour les étudiants désirant acquérir davantage de connaissances, master BDMA (Big Data Management and Analytics) est un programme qui recouvre tous les aspects du Big Data (de l’entreposage des données à la fouille de données, en passant par l’étude du web des données et du traitement automatique des langues naturelles). From the start of the school year 2020-2021, il sera possible d’effectuer la deuxième année de master en alternance en contrat d’apprentissage, démontrant encore l’ouverture de nos formations vers l’entreprise.

Finally, Tours on, we offer master students who want to learn computer skills a complementary master 2 CCI.

As you can see, our training offer is rich. It enables students to acquire solid theoretical foundation adequacy computer as with the needs of business with our IT advanced skills.

In the name of all the team of the IT Department, I wish you a good visit of this site. Our team remains at your disposal for any questions related to your profile and your desires.

Arnaud Giacometti

Arnaud Giacometti
University Professor
Director of IT