MSDNAA (MSDN Academic Alliance)

The tools for success – The free download program software dedicated to higher education

Dreamspark Premium is a program dedicated to higher education (post-bac) which provides access to most Microsoft software through an annual flat-rate subscription which institutions subscribe directly online from this site.

The software offered in Premium Dreamspark are for educational purposes only (classrooms, TP). Students and teachers can upload to their personal computer via a webstore called ELMS.

The condition of eligibility is to follow at least one course of scientific material, technique, mathematics or design.
Students from other sectors can also access a range of smaller software via the program Dreamspark.

Software available in Premium are Dreamspark :

  • Client Products : Windows, Visio, MS Project, OneNote
  • of product development : Visual Studio, Expression
  • Server Products : Windows Server, SQL Server, Exchange Server, Sharepoint Server, BizTalk Server, Host Integration Server, Systems Management Server
  • documentation : MSDN Library, Library d & rsquo; information on Microsoft development technologies, code examples ...

All licensed software MSDNAA (MSDN Academic Alliance) are available for students, teachers and administrative staff of the & rsquo; University.

MSDNAAA software.

After logging in with your username and password ENT you can download the software you want. (Except Pack Office).

* It should necessarily have d & rsquo; a valid account ent for s & rsquo; authenticate download depositary appointed by Microsoft.

The d & rsquo; entry for the & rsquo; access to MSDNAA awning :