Master IT4BI

The Master IT4BI is a European label of excellence Erasmus Mundus course, and co-managed by 5 European universities in France, Spain, Belgium and Germany. Lasting 2 years ago (+3>+5), this course offers students to become specialists in intelligence, perfectly bilingual and open to the world around them..

Bet on mobility skills

This Bac + 5, the teachings fully taught in English, offers the student the opportunity to follow in succession the different teachings of the partner universities: the first half is done in Brussels, the second in Blois.
The 3rd semester (Paris, Barcelona or Berlin) is at the discretion of the student according to the specialization he chooses. Finally the 4th semester is the student's thesis, which can be achieved at a partner university or the company of his choice.

A unique concept

It is the first "European Masters"Dedicated to information systems and business intelligence.
At the end of Master, students receive a multiple degree (Belgium, France and the University of specialization) and will therefore have visited at least 3 different countries.

Official site

Responsible for the Master's degree
Nicolas Labroche

The key points

  • 2 years ago / 3 Visited countries
  • 3 specializations
  • 3 degrees at the key
  • Courses in English
  • European stock system
  • An entire semester dedicated to the thesis (in industry or in a research laboratory)


  • Free University of Brussels (ULB)
  • François-Rabelais University of Tours (UFRT)
  • Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
  • Ecole Centrale Paris (ECP)
  • Technical University Berlin (TUB)
  • of which IBM enreprises, SAP
  • research centers which INRIA and HP Labs
  • local communities with the Centre Region and Agglopolys
  • and other universities in and outside Europe are also partners in this program